Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Super Saturday!

Mark your calendars! Super Saturday is October 15!
We are so excited to be combining with the Whitehouse Ward for this fun filled day! It will be from 8-2 and is come and go.
Bring a Christmas treat to share and a lunch if you need.
Below you will find pictures of the projects available.
All sign ups and money will be due on Sunday, September 11. Let Misty Tannery know if you have any questions! Oh, and as usual bring your friends and VT sisters!

Snowman Hand Sanitizer

Chunky 2x4 Pumpkin
$3.50 ea

ABC Quiet Book
$5.00 each

Cover of ABC Quiet Book

Every child needs a stable background
Vinyl on Wood
$5.00 ea

Rudolph's Spare Parts
Tin filled with Red Hots
$1.50 ea

Just POPPING by to wish you a Merry Christmas
Jiffy Pop Snowman-can also be used as a gift card holder or hang on a 2 Liter
$3.00 ea

Grandpa and Grandma Tiles
Black vinyl on 12 inch tiles
$16.00 for both

Chunky 2x4 Snowman
$3.50 each

Chunky 2x4 Tree

Can't wait to see you all there!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Beginning Wednesday, May 11, members of the stake presidency will conduct temple recommend interviews in the Tyler stake center in Bullard rather than the Shiloh building. A member of the stake presidency will be available each 2nd Wednesday of the month in the stake center office from 7 - 8 p.m. for temple recommend interviews.

Also, temple recommend interviews may be conducted on Sundays in all 6 buildings when a stake presidency member is visiting your ward. Simply inquire with the stake presidency member to determine if any interview time is available that day.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Great Weekend in Store

Whether you are able to be in Salt Lake for Conference, watch at your church or stay home and watch on TV or the Computer, you are in for a treat! The telecast is on Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm Central Time Zone. You can attend at the church, or it will be broadcast on the BYU Channel.

This weekend might also be a great time to check you 72 hour kits for expired items. Smoke detector batteries also should be changed out every six months.

There are a lot of items that can be downloaded from the internet that are centered around Conference to keep your kids engaged.

Give the youngest one a squirt gun and let them get the first one that goes to sleep! They will be very popular among their siblings:0

Most of all, just relax, recharge your spiritual batteries and love the ones your with.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A lot of NEWS listed below!

Bryan Hyland was released Today as Elder’s quorum President. Bryan is now serving in The Young Single’s Branch Presidency. New Elder’s Quorum Presidency: Jeff Price – President; Jim Moulton – 1st Counselor; Blake CUrtis - 2nd Counselor

Sister Nell Evins is in The Bonner Place Nursing Facility in Jacksonville. She is still recuperating from her accident a few weeks ago. She loves to have visitors. She is in room #213. Nell has such a sweet disposition. She does get discouraged from time to time, but she really enjoys visitors. There isn’t much she can do with her time. She can’t read because she doesn’t have her glasses. It is difficult to watch TV because of the neck brace and the position of the TV, so she does enjoy it when someone comes to visit. I appreciate those of you who have taken time to visit with this sweet sister!

Today’s RS lesson was given by Gay Odom referencing: Boyd K. Packer, “The Weak and the Simple of the Church,” Ensign, Nov. 2007, 6-9. It was very enlightening and she pointed out to us what he said member of the Church is esteemed by the Lord as more or less than any other. All positions in the Church are filled by members and we all have the opportunity to sustain or to oppose the action. Each member is responsible to accept the call to serve. No matter how inadequate we may feel, we need to accept the calls that are placed before us. It is through the weak and simple things of the world that great things are brought to pass. And so the Church moves on. It is carried upon the shoulders of worthy members living ordinary lives among ordinary families, guided by the Holy Ghost and the Light of Christ, which is in them. I can absolutely testify to you of the truthfulness of that last statement, as anyone who accepts a call and tries their best to accomplish something worthy of our Heavenly Father’s approval...weaknesses can and will become strengths. Please take time to read and study President Packer’s talk. It will help you in many ways.

This year we are focusing on Provident Living. There will be several quarterly meetings centered around this subject. We also want to let everyone know we are concerned about food storage and want to make it to where everyone can participate. Hopefully these reminders will help you to at least try to work on your food storage. For the month of January we are focusing onBaking Soda. You will need 1 Lb per person, per year. For the month of February our focus will be Sugar or Honey. You will need 60 Lbs per person, per year. We will be watching the sales and try to post on the blog and announce each Sunday where you can purchase for the best price.

Please visit your sisters early in the month and then report to your supervisor. If you cannot reach your supervisor, you can always call Bonnie. Bonnie McWhorter – VT Coordinator 903-894-7741 April Clary – Supervisor 903-279-1131 Nell Evins – Supervisor (Sharon Zimmerman Filling in for a few months while Nell recuperates) 903-825-1960 Cindy Irizarry – Supervisor 903-509-8373 Paula Tuck – Supervisor 903-520-2455 Joyce Baham – Supervisor 903-894-7000

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Have you ever wondered why people used to give Salt, Bread and Honey for a House Warming gift? The Bread is to signify that the household will never know hunger, the Honey is that they will always have sweetness in their lives and the Salt represents Flavor in everything!

I have spent hours making a meal that would not be complete without a "pinch of salt". The flavor then comes alive. This month, we are asking all the women of Relief Society to stock up on Salt. 8 lbs. a person to be exact! That sounds like a lot but that is what the average person consumes a year!!
You can use Sea Salt which has more bang for your buck, taste wise. But we all need the iodine that is in regular salt too. Soooo, save both! It's a cheap, easy way to get started on your food storage, especially with the holidays knocking on our wallets. Next time you go to the store put in a few extra boxes or better yet, a huge bag. When you need a little flavor, it will be there on your shelf.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

We have some talent in our midst.

I wish everyone could have been with us. It was so much fun! Between talking, laughing and catching up we actually were quite productive. Karen, Tiffany and Ali are quite the monogrammers. But who knew how creative they were? Pictured are a few finished projects as well as some in progress. More pictures to follow.....

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking Care of Our New Stake Center

Care of our building
We have received counsel from the bishopric about the care of our new building. This is a huge building and will require hours of cleaning each week. All members can help shorten the family-cleaning time by helping with the following things:
For children: No running in the hallways. No children playing on the stage ---ever!
No food in the chapel. If a child needs a snack, parents may give that outside of the chapel.
At the close of Sacrament Mtg., leave the area clean where your family sat.
Return hymnbooks to their rack. Take the Ward Bulletin with you.
Pick up paper where you find it.  Teachers: Leave your classroom clean. Leave chairs as
arranged for class - - not folded against chair rails.
The Cultural Hall / Stage area will be closed on Sun- days. No lights should be on in that area.
Limit food to multi-purpose rooms. NO red / purple drinks !
Class or Auxiliary Activities: Clean up all rooms used, including the restrooms.

Visiting Teaching Message from the Relief Society President

Dear Sisters, I would first like to say how much I appreciate everything you do serving one another in the Bullard Ward! There have been numerous evidences of the compassion each of you have for one another in the past few months. We truly are our Savior's Hands. With that in mind I would like to ask each of you to embrace the new visiting teaching routes that have just been sent out. Some of you have drastic changes in your routes and some might not have any changes, but prayers have been offered on numerous occasions to know what the Lord would have us do to reach out to all sisters in our ward. I think that if everyone will take the little time necessary to do their part, we could possibly have 100% of our sisters having some contact through visiting teaching. I know this program is inspired by our Heavenly Father. May each of you be blessed for your diligent effort.

-Sister Kindle

"New Format Helps Sisters Improve as Visiting Teachers,‖ Ensign, May 2010, 136–37

In July 2010 Relief Society sisters and subscribers to the Liahona and Ensign magazines will find a change to the tradi- tional Visiting Teaching Message format.

―We want every visiting teacher to understand that visiting teaching is a call from the Lord and accept her assignment to love, serve, teach, and minister to another sister with that in mind,‖ said Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.

The new message format will help sisters understand the purpose of Relief Society, teach principles to help sisters live the purpose, provide a historical perspective, and offer suggestions on how women can more effectively watch over and strengthen other sisters.

―The Visiting Teaching Message is a tool in the hands of a visiting teacher. As she studies the messages with her sisters in mind, she will know what to share with them and what to do for them,‖ Sister Beck said.

Instructions help visiting teachers know how to teach and apply the message.

The Relief Society purposes were added to remind sisters of the responsibilities of Relief Society: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.

The central message will now offer specific and timely counsel directly from the Relief Society general presidency. The scriptural references will help enhance the study, teaching, and personal application of the message.

The purpose of the Ministering Question is to help visiting teachers act on inspiration to better serve the sisters they teach.

The Application Question is meant to prompt action on the part of each individual Relief Society sister and help her apply the message to her own life.

By reading of the noble legacy of Relief Society, sisters can draw connections between the organization that existed in the early Church and the current Relief Society program. ―We are inspired by their sacrifices and desire to take our part in building the Lord’s kingdom in our season of service,‖ Sister Beck said.

Pertinent links to other resources can be found at the Relief Society Web page, Sisters, I would first like to say how much I appreciate everything you do serving one another in the Bullard Ward! There have been numerous evidences of the compassion each of you have for one another in the past few months. We truly are our Savior's Hands. With that in mind I would like to ask each of you to embrace the new visiting teaching routes that have just been sent out. Some of you have drastic changes in your routes and some might not have any changes, but prayers have been offered on numerous occasions to know what the Lord would have us do to reach out to all sisters in our ward. I think that if everyone will take the little time necessary to do their part, we could possibly have 100% of our sisters having some contact through visiting teaching. I know this program is inspired by our Heavenly Father. May each of you be blessed for your diligent effort.

-Sister Kindle

"New Format Helps Sisters Improve as Visiting Teachers,‖ Ensign, May 2010, 136–37

In July 2010 Relief Society sisters and subscribers to the Liahona and Ensign magazines will find a change to the tradi- tional Visiting Teaching Message format.

―We want every visiting teacher to understand that visiting teaching is a call from the Lord and accept her assignment to love, serve, teach, and minister to another sister with that in mind,‖ said Julie B. Beck, Relief Society general president.

The new message format will help sisters understand the purpose of Relief Society, teach principles to help sisters live the purpose, provide a historical perspective, and offer suggestions on how women can more effectively watch over and strengthen other sisters.

―The Visiting Teaching Message is a tool in the hands of a visiting teacher. As she studies the messages with her sisters in mind, she will know what to share with them and what to do for them,‖ Sister Beck said.

Instructions help visiting teachers know how to teach and apply the message.

The Relief Society purposes were added to remind sisters of the responsibilities of Relief Society: to increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.

The central message will now offer specific and timely counsel directly from the Relief Society general presidency. The scriptural references will help enhance the study, teaching, and personal application of the message.

The purpose of the Ministering Question is to help visiting teachers act on inspiration to better serve the sisters they teach.

The Application Question is meant to prompt action on the part of each individual Relief Society sister and help her apply the message to her own life.

By reading of the noble legacy of Relief Society, sisters can draw connections between the organization that existed in the early Church and the current Relief Society program. ―We are inspired by their sacrifices and desire to take our part in building the Lord’s kingdom in our season of service,‖ Sister Beck said.

Pertinent links to other resources can be found at the Relief Society Web page,

Book of Mormon

At the August Stake Conference, our Stake Presidency encouraged members to read the Book of Mormon between August 15th and December 31st. We were also encouraged to read every day. In his talk, President Sam Anderson related a story that took place in peru when, for safety reasons, missionaries had to be removed from the country. The Area Presidency recognized the need to fortify the members. After much prayer and fasting, they decided to emphasize two basic gospel teachings: family prayer and family scripture study. Fathers were especially asked to lead their families in this endeavor.

The results were astounding. The Peruvian Saints faithfully adopted family prayer and scripture study as part of their daily routine. The following took place:

1. Testimonies increased
2. Increased attendace at sacarament meetings
3. Saints exhibited greater love and concern for each other
4. Increased temple attendance in spite of dangerous travel
5. Local Missionaires became better prepared to teach the gospel
6. Members matured in their understanding of the gospel

So where are we in our reading? Are we reading everyday? We should desire and can experience these same blessings in our lives.

Our stake presidence also asked that each Sunday, RS Presidency and Quorum President ask if anyone in the class would like, in a short response of 30-60 seconds, to share an experience they have had with their reading of the Book of Mormon.