Sunday, February 21, 2010


This isn't your mothers Home EC. class. If you have never even picked up a needle or thought that sewing on a button is something the cleaners did, you are about to have a paradigm shift! We are starting a class that will turn "I can't do that" into " are you kidding? I can do that while I'm watching Project Runway with my eyes closed"!

You tell us what you would like to make and you will make it and LOVE IT!! We are not going to start out with crazy hard stuff, but if you are just starting out or want to learn how to make your own patterns, there is a place for you. Let us know what you want to do in the comment box below and let's get this party started!

Are you secretly wanting to be crafty or maybe a little known talent is about to be unleashed!

I know, I know. How many times have you wanted to do something crafty and it either (a) Cost more for the materials than if you went and paid full price for one in the store, (b) It looked like your 3 year old did it, or (c) it's still half finished in a closet somewhere. I have been there, done that, several times!

We are about to bring out the very best that's in you! I promise you will never leave with a half finished project, and you will even WANT to tell people that YOU MADE it. Your three year old will have to wait for his or her day in the sun!

Sign-ups have gone around, emails have been sent but it's still not too late for you to get in on the fun.......and I promise it will be fun. No stress, great company and fantastic projects.

If you haven't signed up yet, just write in the comment box or send an email to This class will be held during the day so that you can spend the evening with your family and friends!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lunch Bunch

Don't forget! Today at 11:00 A.M. is our Relief Society Lunch Bunch at Johnny Carino's. It is always the first Monday the month. The location changes so keep checking the Blog or listen in Relief Society for the latest news.

Jacksonville sisters also have a Lunch Bunch Group. Nell Evins and Rose Peacock are in charge of it. We will keep you posted as to the date and location.

It's a fun group! If you want to get acquainted with the greatest ladies around, come on and enjoy! Dutch treat:)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dinner Essentials

Have you ever wanted to make amazing dinner without one more trip to the grocery store? Keep these basic essentials in your pantry and you can make at least 5 deliciously wonderful meals at a moments notice.

-Balsamic vinegar
-Beans, canned
-Tomatoes, canned
-Onions, garlic

-Dijon mustard
-Parmesan cheese
-Raspberry jam
-Soy sauce

-Bacon (indiv. portions)
-Chicken breasts
-Ginger root
-Mixed veggies

Spaghetti + eggs + parmesan + bacon = Spaghetti Carbonara

Rice+onions+Soy sauce +eggs +ginger root +chicken +veggies =Chicken Fried Rice

Chicken + breadcrumbs + tomatoes + parmesan = Chicken Parmigiana

Veggies+broth+beans+onion+garlic+tomatoes+ spaghetti=Hearty Vegetable Soup

Chicken+raspberry jam+broth+balsamic vinegar+garlic=Glazed Chicken Breasts

For complete recipes, email

Coupon Clippers Unite!!!

Do you clip coupons to shave some of the cost off of your grocery bill?

Do you have extra coupons that you don't use and would like to swap with someone who could?

Would you like to use coupons but don't have access to any?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions and you'd like to participate, bring your excess coupons to Enrichment this Thursday, Feb. 4th. at 6:30 pm.
The "Coupon Corner" will be set up in the cultural hall, so that after our classes, we can swap coupons while we visit and eat.
Please be sure that coupons for the table, are clipped and haven't expired. We will have a separate box for expired ones, (no more than 2 months past expiration date). We will send these coupons to an overseas military base for the families there to use in the commissary,

Let's help each other save some money and help our military too!!

How About Some Bows!

Have you ever heard of the blog How About Orange? If you haven't, you are welcome! She has tons of awesome do it yourself instructions and fun ideas for quick crafts. For step by step instructions on how make this gift wrap bow out of a magazine page click HERE!


Image from How About Orange