Sunday, August 8, 2010

Book of Mormon

At the August Stake Conference, our Stake Presidency encouraged members to read the Book of Mormon between August 15th and December 31st. We were also encouraged to read every day. In his talk, President Sam Anderson related a story that took place in peru when, for safety reasons, missionaries had to be removed from the country. The Area Presidency recognized the need to fortify the members. After much prayer and fasting, they decided to emphasize two basic gospel teachings: family prayer and family scripture study. Fathers were especially asked to lead their families in this endeavor.

The results were astounding. The Peruvian Saints faithfully adopted family prayer and scripture study as part of their daily routine. The following took place:

1. Testimonies increased
2. Increased attendace at sacarament meetings
3. Saints exhibited greater love and concern for each other
4. Increased temple attendance in spite of dangerous travel
5. Local Missionaires became better prepared to teach the gospel
6. Members matured in their understanding of the gospel

So where are we in our reading? Are we reading everyday? We should desire and can experience these same blessings in our lives.

Our stake presidence also asked that each Sunday, RS Presidency and Quorum President ask if anyone in the class would like, in a short response of 30-60 seconds, to share an experience they have had with their reading of the Book of Mormon.

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