Thursday, November 11, 2010


Have you ever wondered why people used to give Salt, Bread and Honey for a House Warming gift? The Bread is to signify that the household will never know hunger, the Honey is that they will always have sweetness in their lives and the Salt represents Flavor in everything!

I have spent hours making a meal that would not be complete without a "pinch of salt". The flavor then comes alive. This month, we are asking all the women of Relief Society to stock up on Salt. 8 lbs. a person to be exact! That sounds like a lot but that is what the average person consumes a year!!
You can use Sea Salt which has more bang for your buck, taste wise. But we all need the iodine that is in regular salt too. Soooo, save both! It's a cheap, easy way to get started on your food storage, especially with the holidays knocking on our wallets. Next time you go to the store put in a few extra boxes or better yet, a huge bag. When you need a little flavor, it will be there on your shelf.

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